M43 Lesson 3 Notes: Customer Discovery

Return and Report 

Class Activity: 

  1. Report back on each student’s value proposition canvas. 

    1. Was it easy or hard? 

    2. What’s the make or break hypothesis they need to find out?  

Section 1: What is Customer Discovery

Class Discussion: Customer Discovery is always about finding customers with problems they are willing to pay to solve. Customer discovery is not always about finding customers who want your product.  

 Section 2: Best Practices of Customer Discovery 

Class Group Activity:

Class does mock interviews to customers with the following rules:

  • Let them know you will be taking notes

  • Only ask them what they have done, not what they would do. 

  • Practice repeating back what they heard to make sure they heard correctly 

  • Use the phrase, “tell me about the last time you …” 


Section 3: Preparing for Interviews

Breakout Activity

  1. Students separate in groups of 3

  2. Have each student share their business idea and who is their main customer segment

  3. Have all 3 students write down 5 potential questions they could ask in an interview

  4. When everyone is done, each student shares their question 

  5. Repeat the process for every other student biz idea 



  • Interview 3 potential customers and be prepared to report back 

  • Schedule a 1-on-1 mentor meeting