M43 Lesson 6 Notes: How to Pivot Your Idea

Section 1: Define a Pivot 

Class Discussion: Explain what is a pivot, why pivots happen, and examples of famous pivots: 

  1. PayPal 

  2. Slack

  3. Instagram

  4. Pinterest 


Section 2: Pivots can come in later stages too 

Class Discussion: Share examples of companies who pivoted in their later stages to stay relevant: 

  • Legos

  • Netflix

  • Gillette


Section 3: Using Learning Cards to Help with Pivots 

Class Discussion: Introduce the Learning Card and how to use it to determine next steps.  

Class Activity: Class fills out a Learning card together for a hypothetical company or a student volunteer. 


Section 4: Filling Out Your Own Learning Card

Breakout Activity 

  1. Each student shares their MVP results and fills out a learning card 

    1. First, they will share their Test Card 

    2. They will describe the results of the MVP

    3. Then, with the help of the group, ill out a learning card

  2. Repeat the process for every other student MVP

  3. Return back and report to the class when finished 


  • Prepare a new test (fill out a test card), 

  • Execute another test

  • Fill our a Learning Card  

  • Schedule a 1-on-1 mentor meeting 

  • Refine Your Pitch Deck