Using Color Contrast Analyser to Fix Contrast Issues


This article will show you how to use Color Contrast Analyser to fix contrast issues in your documents 


  1. Navigate to and click "Download for Windows/Mac OS" 
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and under "Assets" select CCA-Setup 1.0.0 exe for Windows and for Mac 
  3. The program will install

Using the Analyzer 

  1. Open the document you want to check for contrast issues
  2. Open the Color Contrast Analyzer
  3. Click on the eyedropper under "Foreground Color" on the Color Analyzer and click the foreground of your document
  4. Click on the eyedropper under "Background Color" on the Color Analyzer and click the background of your document
  5. Check the results in the "WCAG 2.1" window on the Color Analyzer 
  6. Adjust the colors of your document, if necessary,  until it passes Contrast Minimum, Contrast Enhanced, and Non-Text Contrast. 

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