Due to changes in Qualtrics authentication policy group Qualtrics accounts (e.g. servicelearning#boisestate, lts#boisestate) now have a new login portal. The password used to access your surveys on Qualtrics will not be tied to your Boise State email account. Additionally, you will need to reset your Qualtrics password for the group account. Below are password reset instructions:

In a new browser window go to https://login.qualtrics.com/login (right-click to open content in a new tab)

Password Reset Instructions

Groups (maildrop) are no longer able to create Qualtrics accounts in the Boise State Qualtrics domain. Qualtrics is discouraging the use of maildrop accounts. They would prefer that project are created by a single user and shared with collaborators. Alternately, the brand administrators in LTS can create a Qualtrics group for project sharing purposes. Contact LTS for more details.