Qualtrics is a robust survey software available to all Boise State students and faculty. Accounts are auto-provisioned by logging in with a Boise State username and password at https://boisestate.az1.qualtrics.com.

Creating a basic account

To create a basic account, click the link above and login to Qualtrics. 

Basic accounts are limited to:

Creating an upgraded account

Request an updated account that has no limitations. Create an Service Request (https://boisestateproduction.service-now.com/bsu_sp?id=bsu_catalog) using the offering Request Upgraded Qualtrics Account. 

Taking over someone else's survey

The survey owner can give you access to currently existing surveys.

Updated Username

If you changed your username, when you log in with the new account name, a new account will be created. Contact the help desk to have the accounts merged.

Qualtrics Technical Support

Qualtrics offers an extensive set of online resources. Follow these instructions to contact Qualtrics support.